[-empyre-] Bare Life, Homo Sacer Internet beheadings

In continuing my meditation on Agamben, I realize that internet video is an assertion of citizenship in the media-polis of the global network. In particular is the Islamic fundamentalist use of websites to show the beheading of Westeners on video. Agamben discusses how the sovereign has the power of life and death over the political body. The demonstration of the beheading of a Westerner is that assertion of sovereignity. The Islamist and terrorist have 2 dynamics. Since Western culture excludes Islam, the Islamic terrorist asserts it’s power over the Western exclusion by beheading Westerners while reading the legal, moral and religious justification for the act.

In contrast to arguments that understand political community as essentially a common 'belonging' in a shared national, ethnic, religious, or moral identity, Agamben argues that 'the original political relation is the ban in which a mode of life is actively and continuously excluded or shut out (ex-claudere) from the polis. The decision as to what constitutes the life that is thereby taken outside of the polis is a sovereign decision. Sovereignty is therefore not a historically specific form of political authority that arises with modern nation-states and their conceptualization by Hobbes and Bodin, but rather the essence of the political.” -from philosophy.com , Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at May 4, <http://www.sauer-thompson.com/archives/philosophy/2005/05/ im_reading_agam.html>

The counterpoint to Western cultures’ glabalization and corporate mono-culture is Islamic fundamentalism. It’s a usurpation of authority. Or to use deconstruction parlance a re-appropiation of power.

Two Summers ago I was at an opening and speaking with my old friend Carolee Schneeman. She is one of the first women performance/video artists in America to deal with the issues of the female body in performance. I mention this for those who don’t know who she is. In any case we were talking about the beheading videos. Carolee insisted that they were fakes. She told me that the CIA was manufacturing them to drum up war lust. Around the same time a young man in California made a fake video of a beheading and put it on the internet just to show how easy it was. This reminds me of Jean Baudrillard’s discussion in the Crime of Art, where he talks about how we are beyond simulation an into a realm of performance where everything is performed. Indeed because of digital technologies even the supposed authenticity of a photograph is suspect. Even photography becomes a performative art. The beheading videos have become so popular that in order to see the video you have to pay a fee online. The spectacle of a Westerner being made to kneel with his head bowed, in bare life, about to be murdered is exactly what Agamben talks about. Even as I write this, Israel is attacking Lebanon in retaliation for Hezbollah’s (the para-military terrorist group) kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers. It is quite clear that Hezbollah has asserted it’s sovereignity in Lebanon and is demonstrating it with this action. Israel is also attacking Hezbollah while ignoring the sovereignity of the state of Lebanon.

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